Author Archives: wcw

Leading through change


LIKE many Malaysians, I often have to remind my colleagues, neighbours and friends that chat groups are not the best place to discuss politics, especially topics on race relations and religion.

Some of us often forget that participants in chat groups may not necessarily share the same sentiments and enthusiasm. Chat groups are created for specific agendas and purposes, but we do go off-track sometimes.

The workplace is no different. Divergent opinions can lead to creativity and better ways of doing things once a consensus is reached. However, it can also result in strong disagreements and even conflict, potentially breaking a team.

As managers, we are familiar with such situations. Managers must always think about how best to manage divergent opinions in professional settings.

As we come to the end of 2024 and brace for an uncertain 2025, in times of political upheaval, such as the new US president and increased geopolitical tensions affecting every region in the world, it is also a good time to focus on managing our backyard.

Being respectful and professional is always key, according to the Chartered Management Institute’s (CMI) tips for managers – be brave enough to shut down conversations if they make some colleagues feel uncomfortable.

It is important to remind teams that the workplace is not always the best place for heated political discussions, especially if they prove unproductive and inconsequential to work.

The bigger challenge requiring managers’ attention in 2025 is the march of artificial intelligence (AI) in the workplace. Forget about scheming and untrustworthy politicians.

AI is the number one priority – the better it is managed, the more likely organisations are to adopt it successfully and avoid potential pitfalls. The good news is that the Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF) believes that a significant portion of companies in Malaysia are proactive in this regard.

MEF president Datuk Syed Hussain Syed Husman cites the Cisco AI Readiness Index survey conducted in November last year, which revealed that 46% of Malaysian organisations are prepared to adopt AI technology in line with the Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR 4.0).

The study indicated that 13% of these entities are fully ready, with an additional 33% classified as partially ready.

For AI to take off, the positive impact of management and leadership on organisational performance is well-documented, including by Haskel et al (2007) in the United Kingdom and Bloom et al (2010), which found better management led to productivity increases of 13% to 17%.

Data from the UK’s Office of National Statistics shows that companies with high management practices are significantly more likely to drive tech and AI adoption. The research found that companies with top-tier management scores are significantly more likely to adopt AI (37% in the top decile compared to just 3% in the bottom) and to recognise its relevance.

While only 32% of top-performing companies see AI as inapplicable, this figure rises sharply to 74% among those with lower management scores.

However, CMI research reveals that anxiety around AI technologies remains widespread, with over two in five (44%) UK managers reporting concerns raised by colleagues and direct reports about new and emerging AI tools within their organisations.

Alarmingly, fewer than one in 10 managers (9%) believe their organisation is adequately equipped to work with AI, with most receiving little to no training on how to manage or integrate these technologies effectively.

Researchers have found that managers will increasingly play a critical role in interpreting AI-generated insights, ensuring these align with organisational goals, and making judgment calls that require human intuition and ethical consideration.

AI will impact every department and section, with no exceptions. For the human resources manager, they will need to determine whether AI is writing recruits’ curriculum-vitae and cover letters.

If so, should this be a cause for concern? Are graduates making themselves more attractive to employers by demonstrating a willingness to use AI? Or does this come across as lazy or lacking in creativity?

What does it tell potential employers? Is it deceitful or clever? And should employers be using AI-detection software?

For news editors in TV studios and newsrooms, shouldn’t they be leading the charge to use AI to eliminate tedious work, allowing staff to focus on creativity and more purposeful tasks?

As we end the year, some companies are still struggling with hybrid working.

It is safe to say that most Malaysian employers have insisted their staff return to the office physically.

This will also be the last year when public listed companies are allowed to conduct annual general meetings for shareholders solely online.

Beginning next year, public listed companies must have physical annual general meetings, with online participation as an additional option.

As we approach the fifth anniversary of the pandemic, the challenge for 2025 will be for managers to ensure they get it right.

For Malaysian managers still holding on to the hybrid workplace, they would know by now if it is still effective.

A season to celebrate, together

It’s Christmas, but it won’t just be Christians who will be celebrating. All ethnic groups will have reason to enjoy the yearend holidays – and that is what makes Malaysia special.

A CHINESE media friend from Hangzhou texted me the other day to say that she will be leading a delegation to visit Kuala Lumpur on Dec 23.

I replied saying we would be delighted to welcome her team but unfortunately, I would not be around to greet them as I would be on Christmas leave.

Expressing her regrets, she then asked if a Muslim colleague, a high-ranking person whom she knows, would be around.

My reply surprised her.

I told her the Muslim colleague would also not be present as she would be clearing her off-days. Another Indian colleague would also be away, spending time with his family.

The Chinese national said she had a lot to learn about Malaysia. She had assumed that with a 70% Muslim population, it would be business as usual in this country when her team arrived at this time.

I explained to her that while we have the public holidays for the various races, Malaysians of all religions also join in the celebrations.

It is common for friends of different faiths to visit each other’s homes to extend greetings. If we don’t do that, we will look to travel during the stretch of extended holidays.

By now, I could sense that she was thoroughly confused – or felt that Malaysians are always not working!

I was sure by now that she would be checking soon on how many public holidays Malaysians have. I can sense an embarrassed question coming from her soon.

Really, we are a blessed country. While we whine and grumble about ethnicity, none of us will quarrel about celebrating the festivals of every ethnic group.

We are the South-East Asian nation with the most public holidays, if we account for the state holidays as well, with at least 18 holidays each year.

In China, known as the factory of the world for producing just about everything, there are only seven declared holidays.

The United States is one of the few countries with 10 days of public holidays, while Germany only has nine.

My Chinese friend was also further bewildered to find out that I am a practising Christian as I do not carry a Christian name.

“Having a Western name doesn’t mean anything. Just like in China, so many of you have Western names,” I reminded her.

She answered that it was because many foreigners could not pronounce their pinyin names correctly with all the Zs and Xs in their names.

United in celebration: Members of the public enjoying the festive mood and colourful Christmas decorations in the Kuala Lumpur city centre. — YAP CHEE HONG/The Star

Naturally, Christmas is not a public holiday in China although New Year’s Day is. It’s the same in Japan, where Christmas isn’t a holiday.

So I guess we should not be surprised if the Chinese and Japanese think Malaysians will work on Christmas Day.

By now, she explained that the trip had to proceed, despite our unfortunate absence, as they had a budget which had to be utilised by year’s end. Well, at least, there are similarities in government agencies everywhere.

“Don’t worry. We may not be around but there will be other senior people who must be around,” I told her, and could almost hear the sigh of relief.

Again, she asked, perhaps to be safe, if the person would be a Muslim.

I had to disappoint her again. This senior person, I told her, was a Christian. Again, she was shocked as she had just heard that Christians would be away celebrating this festive occasion.

“Well, he will just take a day off as he is single, and he is in no mood to answer questions from nosey family members about his marital status. He will gladly meet you at the office, along with other single Muslim colleagues.”

This one, she understood perfectly. Nosey family members are, after all, a universal problem.

Again, I could almost hear her big smile, and relief.

While we have specific public holidays for the various races, Malaysians of all religions usually join in the celebrations and extended holidays – and the flip side of that are traffic jams, of course! — Filepic/The Star

But a week later, I received another message via WeChat, the messaging and social media app that’s popular in China.

“Mr Wong, not sure if this is good news for you. We will have to postpone the visit to January 2025, before Chinese New Year, due to procedural reasons,” she said.

Of course, it was good news for me as I had been looking forward to exchanging some cooperation, and can now do so.

But my single Christian colleague wasn’t too excited. He had been looking for a real reason to escape from the annual family interrogation.

“Boss, this is no good. Please tell them they don’t understand what Indian families are like, even though we are Christians.

“I could be already married to a total stranger by the time your Chinese friends arrive in Malaysia. I can hear my family already plotting away like politicians,” he pleaded.

As I put down the phone, I received a fresh text. The dates of holidays and extended long weekends for 2025 have already gone viral and 2024 is not even over!

I won’t be telling my Chinese friend this. Imagine what she will think of us!

How I love Malaysia. There is no place like it.

To all my readers, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Facts, not fiction, dear MPs

Resolutely defiant: Dr Siti Mastura has stubbornly clung on to her far-fetched claims even when the facts are strikingly clear. — Screecapture/RTM

PAS Member of Parliament for Kepala Batas Siti Mastura Muhammad holds a doctorate. The 35-year-old politician studied at the Al-Azhar University in Egypt before getting her PhD in Islamic Development Management from Universiti Sains Malaysia, with the best thesis award as well.

So, one would have expected her to be a well-trained academic with skills in carrying out research.

Sadly, accuracy isn’t her strong point. Worse, she has stubbornly clung on to her far-fetched claims even when the facts are strikingly clear.

She has now gained a notorious reputation and if there is any award for worst research, Siti Mastura will easily beat the other 221 MPs to win it.

Recently, the High Court ruled that remarks made by the religious academician linking prominent political figures Tan Sri Lim Kit Siang, his son Lim Guan Eng, and Seputeh MP Teresa Kok to the late Communist Party of Malaya leader Chin Peng and Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew were defamatory and uttered with malice.

Judge Datuk Quay Chew Soon ruled that Siti Mastura’s statements were defamatory and that her defence – including fair comment, qualified privilege, and innocent dissemination – were not proven.

“I therefore award the following global damages: RM300,000 in favour of Lim Kit Siang, RM250,000 in favour of Lim Guan Eng, and RM200,000 in favour of Teresa Kok,” he said, adding that the plaintiffs would also be entitled to a 5% interest on the sum from the date of judgment until full payment is made.

The judge also issued an injunction restraining her from repeating or publishing similar defamatory remarks against the plaintiffs in the future.

Siti Mastura was also ordered to pay legal costs – RM25,000 each to the three plaintiffs, given that the three suits were heard together, thus saving costs.

Quay said he was satisfied that Siti Mastura’s remarks had exposed the plaintiffs to hatred and public opprobrium, and went beyond the realm of mere political criticism.

“Criticism of political opponents is legitimate only if it does not cross into the realm of defamation,” he stated.

“Despite holding a PhD with good research practices, she relied on a campaign book that was unverified, without a publication year, author, publisher, or ISBN number,” the judge said.

It isn’t clear if Siti Mastura will pay the damages, or if she would file an appeal now. None of the other PAS leaders have come out to speak on the matter, or if the party would help her raise the ordered amount.

The matter could have been easily settled if she had apologised to the aggrieved parties. Instead, she insisted on sticking to her outlandish claims.

It was not the only time she had done so.

In March, Siti Mastura was embroiled in another controversial claim that 1.2 million Chinese nationals have been in the country illegally since 2018 and had not left.

Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution rubbished the claims, saying the allegations were unfounded and could not be defended.

The administration, he said, was transparent about the issue and based its response on data. The facts are these: 46 million foreigners entered the country between Jan 1, 2021, and Dec 31, last year. Of this, 39 million had left, meaning six million are still here.

Saifuddin noted that those who remained were here on long-term passes valid for three to five years, adding that this did not include those on social visits, diplomatic and student passes, among others.

The Home Minister added that 2.6 million foreigners who overstayed had already come forward to register with the Immigration Department.

Guan Eng has also said that the Hansard shows that only 92 Chinese nationals were detained as undocumented migrants during an early 2023 crackdown, with 809 being denied entry into the country that year, “numbers which starkly contrast with the figures Mastura had mentioned”.

He said Perikatan Nasional leader Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainuddin, who was home minister during the Pakatan Harapan administration, had admitted that the claim was inaccurate. Citing the Hansard from 2022, he quoted Hamzah as saying the home ministry would make a correction.

The Dewan Rakyat should not be a place where MPs can make unsubstantiated claims – or worse, spout outright lies – and get away with it by proclaiming their privileges.

Siti Mastura had to pay the price only because she made her allegations against the DAP leaders at an open political gathering.

We are coming to 2025 soon, and it wouldn’t be too much if voters expected a certain level of competency from their representatives.

Siti Mastura, for one, needs to go back to school as even secondary school students writing essays know the importance of checking facts.

If PAS picks her to defend her Kepala Batas seat, and she wins again in the next general election, it would indeed be bizarre and outlandish.

Book Review: Heart of Service – The Untold Story of Dr MPL Yegappan

Heart of Service – The Untold Story of Dr MPL Yegappan

IT won’t be wrong to suggest that his name is almost non-existent in our history books. It doesn’t help that there is not a road in Penang that is named after him, but the late Dr MPL Yegappan left an indelible mark on our country’s history.

He was a man of many firsts, including being the first elected chairman of the Bukit Mertajam Town Council.

Unlike in modern day Malaysia today where councillors, whether at city or municipal levels, are appointed, Penang set the standards by being the first in the country to hold council elections.

Dr MPL Yegappan was also a state executive councillor in the Penang Merdeka Cabinet during the transformative 1950s through to the 1960s.

The untold story of a man, whose unwavering dedication to service over self made him a beloved figure in BM, is finally recorded in a book by the current MP for Bukit Mertajam Steven Sim Chee Keong.

This could happen because Sim is a friend of Dr Yegappan Shanmugam, a grandchild of Dr MPL Yegappan. The young doctor was named after his grandfather.

Sim and the young Yegappan were schoolboys in Standard One at SRK Stowell and later went to Bukit Mertajam High School together.

The story of Dr MPL Yegappan remained etched in Sim’s memory since the first time he heard about this local BM legend.

Coming from the distinguished Nattukottai Chettiars family of businessmen, landowners and money lenders, Dr MPL Yegappan grew up in India but came to Kulim in Malaya at the age of 14, and eventually enrolled at St Xavier’s Institution in Penang for his School Certificate Examination.

He went back to India to study medicine in Madras and became the first doctor in the Chettiar community.

But his heart was in Malaya, where he had spent his transformative years, and when World War II ended, he wasted no time and sailed back to Malaya in 1946.

He took up the post of medical officer at the Penang General Hospital the following year but in 1948, he was transferred to Bukit Mertajam, a sleepy town then. Having settled down in Penang with his family of a wife and five children, he was then put on for transfer to Tampin, Negeri Sembilan.

After his appeals to work in nearer towns such as Taiping, Alor Setar and Ipoh were rejected, Dr MPL Yegappan decided to open his private clinic in BM – the first private medical practice in town.

Despite his busy schedule, he also played an active community role, including in local government bodies where he was also the first president of the Indian Association in BM.

As self-government began to take root in Malaya, ahead of the independence in 1957, municipal council elections were held in several towns. In 1951, a group of young professionals decided to form the multi-racial Penang Radical Party.

It was founded by Dr Lim Chong Eu, who later became Chief Minister, in 1969, with other personalities including lawyer CO Lim, SM Zainal Abidin and Nancy Yeap, the granddaughter of the wealthy Penang banker Yeap Chor Ee.

“Interestingly, SM Zainal Abidin was also the Penang Umno president when he was appointed vice-president of the Penang Radical Party – at that time, party membership was more fluid and less restrictive, allowing individuals to belong to multiple parties.

“Nevertheless, despite Zainal Abidin openly welcoming the formation of the Penang Radical Party and expressing that Umno members were free to join any party for municipal elections, Penang Umno exco later expelled Aziz Ibrahim because he contested under the Penang Radical Party banner in the 1951 (council) election,” wrote Sim.

Dr Lim remained as vice-chairman of the Radical Party but joined the MCA in 1954. He went on to become a president of MCA but later formed the Penang-based multi-racial Gerakan party.

Dr MPL Yegappan came into the picture in 1953 when he was elected as the party’s BM branch chairman, and in that same year, he won a seat in the BM council elections.

Interestingly, in the 1958 council polls, Che Yan Hamid Hussain, the secretary of Umno’s Kaum Ibu in the Seberang Perai Selatan division, contested a seat.

Che Ya won a seat despite contesting in the Tanah Liat area with an overwhelmingly Chinese majority.

Che Yan was the wife of Ibrahim Abdul Rahman, who served as the first MP for BM (1959-1969), then known as Central Seberang Prai.

They were the parents of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, our current Prime Minister, who recalled Dr MPL Yegappan, as a “polite and gentle person.”

As his political career soars, Dr MPL Yegappan went on to become an elected state assemblyman in the second Penang state election in 1959.

In the Butterworth state constituency, he won with a 1,154 majority in a four-cornered fight, under the Alliance ticket.

He was made the state exco member in charge of education and interestingly, he was known as an advocate of Bahasa Melayu by initiating several campaigns to speak the national language.

“The extent of Dr MPL Yegappan’s commitment to the national language can be demonstrated in an incident at the state assembly when he responded in Bahasa Melayu to questions posed by a member of the Opposition. The Opposition member had spoken in English as it was allowed then,” wrote Sim.

More importantly, he played a major role in pushing for the setting up of the University of Penang – which would later be called Universiti Sains Malaysia when it was finally set up in Minden Heights, Penang.

Certainly, many people deserved to be credited for making USM a reality but for the record, Dr MPL Yegappan was the person who tabled the motion on behalf of the Penang state government for a university in Penang on April 11, 1962.

He passed away in 1972 at the age of 57 and until his demise, he continued to be active in organising religious activities in BM and Kulim.

Sim has regarded the book as “a labour of love” when he started writing in 2020 during the pandemic period, saying that a few weeks after he began writing, he had been hospitalised for ten days.

It took him over two years to complete Dr MPL Yegappan’s biography, which saw him carrying out research at the National Archives, libraries of the state assembly, the Parliament and all the way to Singapore, India and the United Kingdom.

It’s certainly a commendable job as Sim has put on record the achievement of another BM boy, the home of Anwar Ibrahim, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Yang di-Pertua Negri Tun Ahmad Fuzi Abdul Razak, National Laureate Prof Emeritus Dr Muhammad Haji Salleh, the first chief minister of Penang, the late Tan Sri Dr Wong Pow Nee and badminton legend Datuk Lee Chong Wei.

Some of these personalities may have lived nearby BM town but certainly, they have studied in BM.

But certainly, it will be most appropriate that a road in BM be named after Dr MPL Yegappan.

Sim has written this book in a very clear way as he takes his readers from Dr MPL Yegappan’s childhood days to his last days. It is easy to read as Sim cleverly weaved in the historical parts without interrupting the flow of his story telling.

He has also managed to provide his readers with what Malaya and the early days of post-Merdeka were like. Well done.

Heart of Service: The Untold Story of Dr MPL Yegappan by Steven Sim Chee Leong is published by Clarity Publishing Sdn Bhd and World Scientific Publishing Co, and is available at major book stores.

Tengku Zafrul to join PKR?

The Investment, Trade and Industry Minister is expected to leave Umno, with top-level negotiations completed for his entry into the new party.

In April, Tengku Zafrul quit as Selangor Umno treasurer, citing differences of opinion and lack of direction.

In a statement on Facebook, he said that Selangor Umno needed strong leadership to make it the powerhouse it once was.

The announcement was a strong statement that he no longer had any interest in Umno.

His entry into PKR is not surprising as Tengku Zafrul works well with Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and is regarded as an asset in the Cabinet.

Meanwhile, Selangor Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Amirudin Shari has also privately expressed his intention to seek a federal-level post.

In 2022, Amirudin defeated former Selangor MB Datuk Seri Azmin Ali to capture the Gombak Parliament seat.

Top PKR officials said this would be a natural leadership progression for Amirudin.

It is not clear how Tengku Zafrul will be able to use his experience in PKR but he will certainly be an asset at federal or state level.

His term as a senator will end in December 2025.

The next general election must be held by 2027 but speculation is that it could be called in 2026.

It is uncertain when the official announcement that Tengku Zafrul has joined PKR will be made.

PKR secretary-general Fuziah Salleh had said there is no special pathway to join the party and that anyone who wishes to join the party – including Tengku Zafrul Aziz – must follow standard procedure.

But some senior Umno officials have already heard talk that Tengku Zafrul wants to join PKR.

”It is important a proper narrative is made in the announcement as he will still be in the unity government,” one official said.

Dirty city that’s an atrocity

Eyesore: The Klang River continues to be filled with rubbish, mostly plastic waste, despite the efforts of the ‘trash trawler’, the boat pictured above that’s used to remove floating waste. — KK SHAM/The Star

IT is coming up to almost a year since it attained city status, but Klang has not been able to shed its image as a dirty town.

It was once called the dirtiest town in Malaysia and it doesn’t look like any clean-up has been carried out since it became a city in February.

Incidentally, it’s also the royal city of the state, and the Sultan of Selangor obviously has very good reason to be furious over the cleanliness standards there.

There are three other cities in Selangor, namely Petaling Jaya, Subang Jaya, and Shah Alam, but none of them has a royal tag to it like Klang, which, sadly and unfortunately, has the worst reputation for poor upkeep.

Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah pointed out many areas remain dirty and poorly organised, with rivers filled with garbage.

He shared that he had received numerous complaints from both local and foreign tourists, including those arriving by cruise ships docking at Port Klang.

These visitors, he said, had expressed their displeasure over the rubbish strewn in Port Klang and the Royal City of Klang, describing it as disgusting.

“It’s meaningless for us to be proud of our rapid development if we cannot even tackle fundamental issues like hygiene,” His Royal Highness said when officiating the launch of Masjid Jamek Cina Muslim Klang on Thursday.

Sultan Sharafuddin said rivers filled with rubbish and poorly maintained drains have also led to frequent flooding in the city.

His Royal Highness said that he had repeatedly reprimanded and advised local authorities and the state government to take effective action and plan carefully to resolve the flooding issue in the Royal City of Klang and several other districts in Selangor. Yet, floods continue to occur every year.

“We should not use climate change or excessive rainfall, attributed to an ‘act of God’, as an excuse for the floods.

“I’m tired of raising this issue with the government and local authorities every year, only for it to be ignored. Why can’t we solve this problem?” he asked.

Indeed, Tuanku has brought up these issues in the past while the media has also regularly reported on the pathetic situation in Klang.

One would have expected the Klang City Council to focus on cleaning up after attaining city status but for most Klang residents and visitors, nothing has changed. It remains the same dirty place.

As His Royal Highness has said, one can imagine the impression tourists from cruise ships get upon landing at Port Klang and then heading to Kuala Lumpur. The entire stretch of road from the port remains poorly lit, and with unkempt landscaping. Unfortunately, this is what greets foreigners first when they arrive in Malaysia.

Many tourists who flock to Klang for its food also share the same negative perceptions about the city.

Tuanku also pointed out the state of the river in Klang, which is strewn with rubbish, adding that clogged drains have also resulted in floods in the city.

It has been more than 48 hours since His Royal Highness made his statement but there has been no response from the authorities. What a shame!

No one from the Selangor state government or Klang City Hall has taken responsibility or even made a commitment to clean up Klang.

It doesn’t look like any appointed contractors will be losing their jobs despite failing so badly in their duties. They should be blacklisted and should not hide behind shell companies. The tender process should also be made more transparent and accountable.

They had better be warned – the Sultan of Selangor will now keep a personal eye on this shoddy state of affairs.

In 2019, the Federation of Consumers Association reported that, “Taking a drive around town will reveal poor infrastructure along the roads, shoddy or incomplete work done by contractors, broken drains, unclean roads, and even uncut grass. With even the most basic services such as cleanliness and proper infrastructure upkeep not met, residents in Klang are getting fed up.’’

Five years on, we are now at the end of 2024, and it is as if time has stood still in Klang. It remains a dirty and badly run place.

Klang doesn’t deserve city status, really.

From humble beginnings to royal recognition

Burhan (left) and Nizam at the brand’s SS2 outlet in Petaling Jaya, where the anniversary celebration will take place on Dec 7. — AZMAN GHANI/The Star

Eatery marks golden jubilee in grand style, welcomes diners to enjoy free nasi kandar

NASI kandar restaurateur Burhan Mohamed needs no introduction in the Klang Valley as he is also known as the “King of Nasi Kandar” in this region.

He is owner and managing director of Original Penang Kayu Nasi Kandar, a chain of restaurants serving the popular northern Malaysian dish from Penang.

Original Penang Kayu Nasi Kandar will turn 50 years old this year.

Burhan will be celebrating it in grand style at the brand’s SS2 restaurant in Petaling Jaya, Selangor, on Dec 7.

It includes free servings of nasi kandar from 7.30pm to 11pm.

Tengku Permaisuri Selangor Tengku Permaisuri Norashikin will be gracing the event, alongside Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof and other personalities.

It comes as no surprise that at the SS2 restaurant, diners can have their meal and suddenly see a royalty, a minister, a top official or a celebrity walking in casually.

The journey for Burhan started in 1974 in SS2 when he was helping his father at the former Chow Yang coffeeshop, where his eatery is now located.

His father used to work at the now defunct Dawood Restaurant in Queen Street, Penang, during the 1960s, before he moved to Petaling Jaya to sell mee goreng on a pushcart but eventually moved on to selling nasi kandar.

Not many are aware that his uncle used to have a stall at the present Restoran New Seaview coffeeshop at Paramount Garden, Petaling Jaya in the 1970s, where Burhan also had to help.

“Eventually, my father started a stall in Chow Yang. We didn’t even bother to give a name as it was just a stall,” said Burhan.

“The coffeeshop was usually packed, and the owner was often annoyed that our plates were not collected in time for fresh customers who wanted to occupy the tables.

“Sometimes he would literally just throw away our plates because he was a short-tempered person.

“Soon, he began calling me ‘kayu’ (the Malay word for wood or someone dim-witted). The name stuck.”

Burhan added that the “kayu” nickname had nothing to do with the kandar stick that was used to carry two baskets filled with curries and dishes on the shoulders, as it was done in the 1950s by nasi kandar sellers.

But as luck would have it, he eventually took over the Chow Yang coffeeshop in 2003, where the Original Penang Kayu Nasi Kandar is located.

The brand has become hugely popular in Kuala Lumpur and Petaling Jaya as it now has a total of nine eateries in the Klang Valley, but there are those who complain that its food is pricey.

Burhan said he was aware of such complaints but said the difference between his and that of other shops was that he used quality food items, especially seafood such as fish and squid.

“I have never compromised on quality. We are also particular about cleanliness as we want to maintain our integrity and hygiene,’’ said the 62-year-old businessman, adding that the Petaling Jaya City Council will also be recognising his SS2 restaurant with a Clean Food Premises award on Dec 20.

Burhan regarded himself as a lucky person as he had acquired much business knowledge from his suppliers, supporters and friends.

“I have worked from the bottom to the top because I was willing to get my hands dirty,’’ he said, adding that he has been training his son Mohd Nizam Burhan, to take over his business.

Nizam said his father had tasked him with various duties in running the family business, starting off as a cashier and waiter.

“He is very strict about me carrying out my duties and insists that no special privilege should be given to me. I must serve, like everyone else, at the restaurant,” he said.

Burhan’s two daughters, Dr Azareena and Dr Zafrina, are both serving as family doctors in Dublin, Ireland, and Bandar Utama, Petaling Jaya, respectively.

Burhan has asked his supporters to celebrate with him as that is the only way to express his appreciation.

“Without my loyal customers, I am nothing. The Original Penang Kayu Nasi Kandar belongs to them.

“I apologise for my shortcomings during the last 50 years but rest assured, the quality will always be maintained,’’ he added.

Spinning a wrong turn on the rumour mill

PAS lawmaker Mohd Yusni Mat Piah learnt his lesson the hard way when he had to retract and apologise to the Prime Minister last week.

The Penaga state assemblyman had claimed during a Penang state assembly sitting that Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was the 17th richest leader in the world.

The second-term politician made the allegation based on a United Kingdom-based news portal report without verifying the accuracy and authenticity of the information.

Just because it is a UK or United States-based news portal, it doesn’t mean it’s correct.

Anwar has publicly declared his RM11.2mil assets since 2022. It’s too paltry a sum to be among the world’s top earners or even within the ranks of Malaysia’s rich and famous.

Mohd Yusni’s problem is like many other Malaysians, too, who believe many things they read online but we would expect better from a seasoned state assemblyman.

Many just read and forward these fake news to their friends without checking.

Worse, in the case of Anwar’s purported financial ranking, it was even picked up by a few Malaysian news websites.

Over the last few weeks, rumour mongers, possibly paid cyber warriors, appeared to have worked overtime.

Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek was targeted again following her meeting with a visiting delegation from Afghanistan recently.

The group had met and visited a few all-female schools and a women teachers’ training college. The mixed gender Bukit Jalil Sports School was also visited.

The important point was that the Taliban were prepared to listen to a female Education Minister and hear Malaysia’s stand on the right of women to education.

It was a good opportunity for Malaysia to convince these Taliban, who have banned women from universities and certain jobs.

Last week, a vicious round of rumour, via a voice recording and message, circulated that Malaysia was offering 3,800 students and teachers from Afghanistan places in our local universities.

There is no such plan but come to think of it, if the Islamic countries are prepared to pay for these women, why not? There are plenty of Middle East universities which can also accommodate them if these Afghan women are allowed.

In fact, it has been reported that there are currently over 1,000 Afghan students including women who are studying in China while many others have escaped to neighbouring countries in their pursuit of education.

There is even a Confucius Institute at the Kabul University where many of its students receive scholarships from China.

But the 1.4 million Afghan girls in Afghanistan shouldn’t be deprived of their rights to schooling because of Taliban extremism.

If the Taliban don’t change, the development funds will continue to stop. It’s their choice. That perhaps explained why they visited Malaysia on a learning trip.

Then, there was an earlier widely circulated fake news article that questioned why Anwar wasn’t invited to the White House for Donald Trump’s inauguration as President.

The writer cheekily added that “even Myanmar was invited” together with Laos and Cambodia.

The mere mention of Myanmar, under a military dictatorship, itself should have been a red flag. Still, many missed it, and went on to believe it. Of course, they forwarded it.

Attendees at the inaugurations of US presidents are usually the vice-president, lawmakers, judges, donors, former presidents and vice-presidents, military veterans, and of course, family members. Elon Musk, for sure. Taylor Swift and Oprah Winfrey won’t be.

But essentially, it’s mostly an American affair at the Capitol Hill in Washington DC.

The golden rule is always check and if unsure, just leave it out.

Keeping the flag flying

Charm offensive: With his persuasive personality as well as eloquence in English and even Arabic, Anwar (here at G20) can help enhance Malaysia’s image on the global stage. — Bernama

FORMER Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad must certainly be the most travelled Malaysian leader, having been head of government for 22 years. This does not even include his second round as premier.

As a journalist, I accompanied him on many of these overseas trips to far-flung nations, an opportunity I would not have had if not for my job.

I counted over 25 countries that I tagged along to, including Albania, Cuba, Colombia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Sudan, Senegal, Uruguay and Jamaica, which are all not usually on the radar of the average Malaysian tourist. But Dr Mahathir probably visited more than 50 nations.

Almost all the trips involved back-to-back meetings, which began with a pre-council meeting with accompanying ministers and officials immediately after touchdown.

In 1996, we arrived in Bosnia and Herzegovina, a year after the civil war with the Serbs ended, together with the heads of 14 private companies.

Most of us stayed in a hotel riddled with bullet holes. In some rooms, there were only plastic sheets instead of glass panes. Many businessmen, however, saw potential deals in the ruins – from supplying window panes to rebuilding roads and bridges.

None of this, of course, was spoken about openly, as it would have been distasteful, but the message was that Malaysia was prepared to assist Bosnia in rebuilding the nation. Malaysia also donated RM10mil, a small sum for a country which was near flattened.

While the trip was to earn goodwill and to show our commitment to help a less fortunate nation, the big challenge to our business side was to be involved in the reconstruction process in the long-term.

In Dr Mahathir’s many trips, there were good deals and bad ones. One such bad deal was when our national airlines had a direct flight to Harare, the capital of Zimbabwe, no thanks to Dr Mahathir’s good relationship with the then President Robert Mugabe.

It was a decision that put our national carrier at a huge loss. How many businessmen, from both sides, would travel between the two countries?

During Dr Mahathir’s years as PM from 1981 to 2003, he visited Japan over 100 times – mainly to promote his “Look East” policy. Japan was one of the biggest investors in Malaysia then.

Japan’s offer to guarantee billions of ringgit in what was known as “Samurai bonds’’ with a 10-year-tenure also came in handy for Malaysia to retire some of the previous costly loans committed by the previous leadership.

Love him or loathe him, Dr Mahathir has certainly left a tremendous impact in his two decades of travelling.

On a recent trip to Istanbul, I saw a photograph of Dr Mahathir at a shop at the Grand Bazaar. In Porto, Portugal, when a Bangladeshi found out that I was from Malaysia, he said: “Dr Mahathir.”

I replied: “No, our Prime Minister now is Anwar Ibrahim.”

None of Dr Mahathir successors could reach his stature as a statesman. Perhaps their tenure was too short, or they were not as controversial in their speeches to make the world notice them.

Fast forward to 2024 and there is Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. He was already a known international figure before he became PM with his vast international network from the West to the Islamic countries and our neighbours.

He is travelling quite a bit too. Prime Ministers need to go out and help to sell Malaysia, whether to attract investments or for diplomatic strategies. Sitting at home will not help Malaysia.

The protocol for any new PM is to visit the leaders of the other nine Asean members namely Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. The only exception is Myanmar as the military government has been denounced for its continued acts against its civilians.

Like many journalists, I, too, was asked why there was a need for Anwar to travel to all these nations so soon after becoming PM. The fact is: It is required for him. He will be the new Asean leader from January.

It is important for Malaysia to show its commitment to strengthening alliances at regional level, too. More importantly, Anwar is continuing the policy of economic diplomacy. Our neighbours, especially Indonesia and Thailand, compete aggressively with Malaysia for investments.

The Indonesian media, for example, often asks openly and aggressively about what Indonesia lacks that Malaysia has, as investments pour in, especially to Penang, which has become a Silicon Valley for its micro-chips production.

A PM who sits at home will not help Malaysia. Naturally, he has to justify and show us the results of his visits, but diplomacy is not all about investments and money.

The reasons for his travels abroad also include strengthening bilateral ties, to reinforce political, economic and cultural relations, negotiating agreements such as trade deals, defence pacts and outstanding issues including even border disputes.

Our friendship with China, for example, has helped in tourism and investments. Even during the Covid-19 pandemic, China offered its Sinovac vaccines to Malaysia, which was among the earliest recipients.

The PM also has the job of expanding our nation’s products, especially our palm oil, to other countries. Our national car, Proton, is now being assembled in Egypt, which will be a gateway to the vast African continent.

Last week, Anwar was in Seoul to get his South Korean counterpart, President Yoon Suk-yeol, to conclude a free trade zone agreement by next year, which would include additional areas such as services, investment and green energy.

It is important to shape what the world thinks of Malaysia. Recently, Anwar was given the honour of attending the Group of 20 (G20) summit in Brazil although Malaysia is not a member.

The G20 comprises 19 big countries including the United States, United Kingdom, China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, France, Germany as well as two regional bodies, the European Union and African Union.

Anwar, who will chair the Asean grouping next year, was invited to be in the company of these global players.

Whether we wish to admit it or not, a Premier who speaks impeccable English and is at ease with his peers will help to enhance Malaysia’s image through speeches, media engagements or meetings with the Malaysian diaspora.

Dr Mahathir made sharp and hard-hitting speeches, Datuk Seri Najib Razak spoke in crisp English while Anwar is the ultimate charmer, persuasive, eloquent and comfortable in English, and even Arabic.

There is nothing more embarrassing than a PM who is seen struggling at the United Nations rostrum.

But it is not just the speeches. There are side meetings and personal socialising that get things done, as these summits shape policies and find answers to global concerns. Not every PM has that social skill.

Let’s also be realistic. Malaysia, as a small country, sometimes needs to negotiate financial aid or development support.

As a predominantly Muslim country, Malaysia has also played its role in mediating conflicts in Thailand and the Philippines. Engagement in peace talks certainly boosts our image.

Anwar has rightly used his second year as Prime Minister to push Malaysia on the international stage in the run-up to the Asean chairmanship. It is not just our neighbours who will converge in Malaysia next year but also world leaders, including China’s Xi Jinping.

We have to wait and see if inward-looking US President Donald Trump will also come. Asean wasn’t his interest.

Another point to be noted is that Anwar’s travels overseas also reflect Malaysia’s political stability.

It shows no one is plotting to take over his post while he is away for two weeks, another reason why Malaysia is a favoured country for investment.

However, a controversy has erupted over the cost of his travel. The standard rule, especially for chartered flights to countries with difficult connections, with accompanying businessmen is simple.

The Malaysian government foots the bill of the officials, the businessmen pay for their seats. So do journalists. That’s how the break-up of the bill is. For sure, these are not holiday trips.

Anwar made his intercontinental mission to Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Peru and Brazil from Nov 9-19.

It could have been better explained by the officials but essentially, the government has ensured an equitable recovery of costs from the private sector, when they paid for their seats and other expenses, at no disadvantage to taxpayers. And that that was how it had been done previously also.

Finally, there is this fake viral social media message about a trip that Anwar is NOT making. Apparently, he has not been invited to Trump’s inauguration while Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia and Timor Leste have. Even Archbishop Julian Leow, a decent bloke, found himself dragged into the list of so-called invitees.

No, none of them have been invited. It was obviously fake, but there were many who believed it.

Legendary singer Frances Yip releases first Malay song in over two decades called “Cinta Kita”

KUALA LUMPUR: Legendary singer Frances Yip has spent 55 years as a singer but nothing can stop her from reaching more milestones.

She is set to release a Bahasa Malaysia song “Cinta Kita” on Spotify by the middle of December.

The song is composed by renowned Indonesian musician Yovie Widianto.

Yip said this would be her first Malay song in over 20 years after she sang her version of Widuri, a song made famous by the late Indonesian Broery Marantika.

”Cinta Kita is about the love of two persons. It’s beautifully done,” she said, adding the final touches to the song were being done.

Yip, 77, shared the news in a video interview with Star Media Group advisor Datuk Seri Wong Chun Wai.

She said a video would accompany the new single, adding that she hoped her fans in Malaysia and Indonesia would appreciate it.

She credited Wow Music Limited, a Hong Kong-based company, for making the record possible.

The Sydney-based singer said the song was first released as a Cantonese version entitled “Gratitude” this year in Hong Kong as a tribute to the composers of her hit songs.

They included the late songwriter Joseph Koo who composed the iconic “Shanghai Beach” her hit song in 1980.

Yip said she had someone who could speak Bahasa Malaysia during the recording as she was aware that the Indonesian pronunciations and intonations were different.

She also made sure she understood the meaning of the lyrics to bring out the emotional meaning to it.

Yip hoped to sing “Cinta Kita” at a possible concert in Jakarta next year.

Previously, she had done versions of “Bengawan Solo” and “Rindu Bayangan” saying she loved these songs.

The singer will be performing in Genting Highlands on Friday (Nov 30) with Maria Cordero and Elisa Chan.

In May, she held a concert in Kuala Lumpur.

”I love coming to KL but I restrain myself from indulging in the food.

”I must have my laksa and one a piece of durian as I am mindful of its possible effect,” she said.

Yip has also been visiting the popular Regent restaurant in Mont Kiara for its chilli crabs.

She also spent her free time at the golf courses in Australia, playing “at least three times a week.”

She is also looking forward to a Christmas break with her family in Sydney.

As for 2025, she would be performing at two casinos in the United States during the Chinese New Year.

A concert is also been planned in Shanghai, China.